Ebook Download Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

Ebook Download Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

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Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

Ebook Download Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service

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Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service


"As an Office Manager, I love Front Office Rocks because I can train my staff at their leisure and I don't have to sit there and train them myself. Â I recommend all offices use it." -Brandie Henderson, Office Manager Laura Hatch has her thumb on the pulse of communication within the dental office. Better communication within our practices set us up for success. This book will give you the tools you need to communicate better. Starting with the team, Laura shows us how to better communicate our expectations to every position within our office. From big-picture ideas like determining why we come in to the office every day, all the way to the fine details of how patient hand offs should be executed, this book offers complete solutions for enhancing your practice's performance. By increasing and improving our communication, we become better leaders and better dentists, thanks to Laura Hatch!-Joshua Austin, DDS MAGD, Private Practice Managing Editor, Dental Economics "Pearls for Your Practice" and Product Navigator E-Newsletter"Prior to Laura, we had about 50-60% case acceptance. From just from implementing some simple steps, we are up to 85-90% treatment plan acceptance." -Celeste Samoles, Office Manager

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From the Author

My wish is for you to know how important you are to your patients.I want you to recognize how much of an impact you make in your patient's lives. I want you to know that every little details makes a difference. You help people live a less stressful, longer life - a better life. Remember that. Let it drive you. You can make a huge impact within your four walls. And, when you do that, the whole world opens up.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 127 pages

Publisher: Author Bridge Media (January 8, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 099884960X

ISBN-13: 978-0998849607

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.3 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

21 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#198,534 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As a practice Management coach, I consider myself to be always learning from others. Whether it’s a good book, a new practice or a colleague, I gain perspective, knowledge and tools from multiple resources. This book has it all and so much more for every position in Dentistry! Just because you’re not a dentist, doesn’t mean you can’t pick this book up, it truly is for everyone.

Great read. Good for all the players on your team. Laura Hatch has done it again. She not only has trained my entire team through her online training but this book is a gem for each post in the office.

Very informative and interesting !!! This book will help break down the basic functions of the proper job functions to run a successful office

I hope one day I can say I run my practice like her :)! I am trying the front office rocks website

Great reading

Not very informative... I didn’t learn anything new.

I've read business books and self help books, many of which are full of fluff and feel good sayings. This was not that book! Laura Hatch just gets it! She understands what it takes to coordinate and empower a team to reach results. As a business owner, it's not up to me to complete every task - but to hire the right people, share my goals and communicate, then let them do their jobs and oversee the practice. I love that once I finished the book, Laura doesn't say "Now, Go!" - she provides another step on her website with the book guide. I have steps to follow, a guide for my team. This book is a total game changer. If you've been following Laura on Facebook, you know what's she's about, and see the pearls she shares. This book is your go-to launching pad for building a successful dental practice. You cannot afford to miss this.

This book is great at shining a light onto areas that need full focus from the business owner. There are key factors to being a good business owner and Laura does a nice job of explaining them. Not only that but she shows you how easy it is to get started with being a good leader. All positions in the office are reviewed and she gives practical suggestions on how to measure their performance.Running a practice is overwhelming but she does a great job of laying it all out so you can take baby steps. Step away from the drill and read this book!

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Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service PDF

Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service PDF

Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service PDF
Step Away from the Drill: Your Dental Front Office Handbook to Accelerate Training and Elevate Customer Service PDF

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