Ebook Free Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary)

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Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary)

Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary)

Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary)

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Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary)

Product details

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Pearson; 2nd edition (July 24, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0131950843

ISBN-13: 978-0131950849

Product Dimensions:

8.2 x 0.8 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

238 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#44,074 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

UbD is a great instructional concept, but it tries to be too much and fails to deliver meaningful quality content for both new and experienced teachers. It almost seems as if Wiggins tries to reinvent what teachers should do but takes two steps back and says "use what fits your needs." The books were supposedly created to be read in any order, but each chapter references other chapters and reuses graphics. Sometimes it appears as if Wiggins is trying to reinvent what was already made: Bloom's Taxonomy and verbs, different forms of formative assessment, and teaching practices that I am already aware of before I read the book. In fact, it was difficult to understand what exactly is UbD until about chapter 5, which could have easily been stated much earlier than saying "it's complicated" and not providing a clear blueprint. The first few chapters seem more like an attempt to sell a concept like a TV commercial.Much of the work consists of visual grids, forms, and graphs that sometimes make the concepts more confusing than helpful. The process of constructing lesson plans is further complicated by using abbreviations that serve little purpose other than to the lesson writer himself. In other words, unless your colleagues also understand your specific design, a UbD lesson plan would not be understood by even a well-trained educator. It attempts to create vague templates with so much room that nothing seems concrete, such as evaluative criteria, objectives, and daily lessons. Don't believe me? Just read the template about a driving lesson, there is no scoring guide next to its "criteria" to show level of performance. GRASPS is nearly the same. Even with the Forms/FAQ, I left more confused than enlighted about some "revolutionary" design concept.Furthermore, there is a danger in overusing the "understanding" method of teaching, especially in lower grades (K-5). There is so much emphasis on higher-level thinking that it suggests taking away assessment of other knowledge in order to obtain "a mile deep and an inch wide" level of understanding. The author wants students to make meaning of their learning in a complex way rather than just recall the material. While I agree that students should learn in a meaningful way, the level of depth can be inappropriate for lower grades in given subjects as suggested, such as math.Summary:UbD can be best described as a way for teachers to organize what they already know how to do while adding a level of complexity to the process. Emphasis on content the teacher already knows. This includes unnecessary labels (AMT, WHERETO, GRASPS, Facets), renaming lesson planning norms (rubrics, big ideas, essential questions, unpacking standards, differentiated instruction), and generic classroom instructional strategies (see table of content in "Classroom instruction that Works"). I bought this for a college class and felt that I got nothing out of this series, not even as a new teacher. While I acknowledge that there are some reviewers who feel that this book has been life-changing, I prefer concrete and specific plans to help me reflect on my practices a year later. UbD is merely a "thinking process" to help one focus on what they intend for their students to learn. It is best suited for upper grades and must heavily be modified to work with elementary students. I may use UbD as a curriculum map, but certainly not for teaching lessons.

This is a useful text for planning lessons or units that follows up the UbD text written by the same authors. It is not a book about philosophy or learning theories. It's only about what principles and questions teachers should take into account when planning. There is no rigid following of a template or guidelines. What are the principles espoused by W & M? That lesson planning should be geared toward "understanding" rather than rote memory, and that it should begin with desired results, then move to assessment techniques, and finally, to the activities. This process is called "backward design." If students "understand," then they may be able to transfer the acquired knowledge to solve problems and make decisions, making learning more meaningful. The authors also discuss the four learning goals - transfer, meaning, knowledge, and skills - and the three stages of learning - acquisition, meaning-making, and transfer. These latter three did not appear on the original UbD.Although the authors discuss many of the ideas covered in the early UbD text, the templates, the dialogues, and the guiding questions make this text an excellent complement to that first text. This is not to mention that this is adaptable to the recently established Common Core Standards. The dialogues were a great way of showing significant differences between mere coverage of content, and meaningful learning. This latter concept is achieved by asking Why am I teaching this to my students? What do I expect students to do with the skill or content?This book is not anti-standards or anti-standardized exams. It is not a critique against any particular public policy although the authors have criticized the excessive number of standards, and policies that encourage teaching by the test (they did so in UbD).On the contrary, this book helps teachers enhance their lesson planning and meet goals established by standards and educational policies in a more effective way, without sacrificing learners' academic development.This is one of the most useful books on lesson planning that I've read so far. It's also an eye-opener as to what education should be about. It avoids getting into fruitless debates about what os the True philosophy or scientific theory about learning. Very practical. I recommend it to any teacher who wants to improve lesson planning in the classroom.

I think the ideas are valid, but it seems the authors are overcomplicating the content and concepts. Everything that needs to be said could be done in half as many pages. It's ridiculously redundant.

Definitely a must have for any educator. Wiggins and McTighe are almost the pioneers in this field and thought of backwards design (Robert Tyler first thought of the concept in his published work from 1947) and their concepts are easy to implement and are what I would call a no-brainer. As in it should be something that all teachers are already implementing in their lesson and unit planning already. However, we all know that it is not already in the forefront of every educators mind or else there would not be a need for this book. This book will definitely teach the educator or potential educator how to start to think about the goals of a lesson and then to plan the lessons on how to get each student to those specific goals (backwards design). It is an easy concept and once understood and fully grasped by the educator he/she can start to educate their students in a way in which the students will benefit by truly gaining meaningful knowledge from the course they are taking with the educator and be able to apply the knowledge and demonstrate understanding.

I had to read this book for a graduate course, and it is, quite possibly, one of the most enlightening education texts I have ever read. I bought the kindle version for the course, but I'm planning on buying the print edition so that I can re-read it, with more notes. It's that good. I wish I had read it years ago, and I have found it's impacted my teaching from chapter one. I'm encouraging my principal to offer it as a book study.

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Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary) PDF

Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary) PDF
Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition(Package May Vary) PDF

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