PDF Download , by Penelope Douglas

PDF Download , by Penelope Douglas

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, by Penelope Douglas

, by Penelope Douglas

, by Penelope Douglas

PDF Download , by Penelope Douglas

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, by Penelope Douglas

Product details

File Size: 2424 KB

Print Length: 461 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Penelope Douglas LLC (November 15, 2015)

Publication Date: November 15, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#453 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I didn't see half of this book coming. What a twisty story!!

As a lover of dark romance I have been giddy with anticipation for Corrupt since I first heard the whispered rumors of a whole new direction for a favorite author of mine, Penelope Douglas. I didn't know what to expect from the book except, of course, complex, intriguing, and compelling characters, a convoluted, anything-but-easy romance with an intense and passionate connection, and a different and absorbing storyline that will hold you captive from the very first page. My expectations may have been a bit high, but it turns out they were well founded as I was far from disappointed.This book consumed me. After an eerie and enigmatic beginning that will have you clamoring to learn more about Michael, reveal more of Erika's past, and delve deeper into the mystery of the masked men, I was altogether unable to stop at just one more page or one last chapter. Corrupt will have you so wrapped up in knots, real life, sleep, and responsibilities are sure to be the furthest things from your mind.If you think Jared Trent's mind games and relentless torture in Bully were something, allow me to introduce you to Michael Crist; a man who knows no bounds, a man willing to play the game no matter the personal cost, a man so determined to be strong and powerful and in control, he bends for no one. Or does he? Michael's cold demeanor, his underlying hatred, and thirst for vengeance was intimidating to say the least and even outright scary at times. He and his friends take the term bad boy to a whole new level. Yet there is something about him, some indefinable, magnetic piece that is fascinating and appealing and keeps you hooked no matter what the game or the torment inflicted.I can't say I wasn't challenged by this book. I certainly can't say it didn't take me out of my comfort zone at times and I definitely didn't always know where things were going or agree with what was taking place, but in essence isn't that what good literature is all about? An escape, a way to expand your mind, broaden your horizons, get so lost in a story that the real world and all its problems no longer weigh you down, a way to experience outlooks and preferences, activities and proclivities that are outside of your everyday norm or frame of reference, things that you would otherwise never experience or perhaps even have knowledge of?Corrupt is dark and twisty, gritty and raw. It is shocking and exciting with so many twists and turns you may very well walk away not even knowing which way is up. It is everything you have come to expect from a Penelope Douglas book with an edge, a mania, and a fervency like never before. An addiction that lingers in your mind long after you are finished and that can only be satisfied with the revelation of more horsemen.

Top read of 2015! Smoking hot new dark erotic romance! Seriously, there are no words right now for the total mind F of feelings I have experienced with this book! All I can for sure say is, you REALLY need to read this book! I keep saying this is one of my top 5 reads of 2015, but I honestly think it might have secured the numero uno position! I cannot scream enough about how much I am loving this hot new book from Penelope!Sexy, intriguing, suspenseful and twisted are the first words that come to mind after reading Corrupt. But I felt there was so much more to the story than a dark, sexy romance. It was about finding your voice. Figuring out who you are, and what you want out of life. Grabbing the bull by the horns, owning what you are and not being afraid to embrace the darkness that lies within.Penelope has completely blown me away with her latest book! I love everything she has written and I had set the bar extremely high on my expectations on this novel; but she has surpassed my expectations on every page! I loved Rika and how she evolves as the book goes on from a timid, follow the leader type of girl, to the empowered, dark, take no nonsense woman!Michael. What can I say about Michael, except, where can I find my own? He was over the top, take charge in a sexy, but still kinda scary way, and I LOVED it! I also loved the development of his character from the beginning to the end of the book. Watching him evolve into the man he was always meant to be was extremely rewarding as a reader.As for Kai, Damon and Will, I found them crazy sexy, and I wouldn’t mind seeing more from them in the future! Damon has some serious darkness in him, and I would love to see that explored a little bit, if Penelope chooses to explore these characters a bit more. Kai seemed like the one I would connect with the most. Will, I think still has a lot of secrets.I really, really want to tell you about the steamiest scene in the book, but I refuse to post spoilers. Just read it! Probably my favorite scene in the entire book! (And I loved every single scene in the book, just so you know!)The story line was one that had so many twists and turns, I still wasn’t sure which way was up and which way was down. It takes a lot for me to say a book was unpredictable, but this one certainly had so many twists, turns and detours that even I couldn’t guess what was really going on! There were so many times I had to literally set down my Kindle and go back to it later; not because it couldn’t keep my attention, but because I had to process the total mind F that was unfolding before my eyes before I could continue! Off the charts rating!

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