Download PDF , by James Nixon

Download PDF , by James Nixon

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, by James Nixon

, by James Nixon

, by James Nixon

Download PDF , by James Nixon

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, by James Nixon

Product details

File Size: 885 KB

Print Length: 206 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0994476035

Publisher: CrammondMedia (February 9, 2017)

Publication Date: February 9, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#97,954 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The strength of the author's analysis is in debunking virtually every theory that has been advanced to explain the airplane's disappearance. The weakness of it is in providing his own thesis. He does such a wonderful job destroying the theories of others that he is left with no possibility to advance himself other than one that is both commonplace and, honestly, downright lame. It is as easily destroyed using his own analytical tools as all the others. So what has he proved at the end of the day? Mostly that the plane's' disappearance is...a mystery.

I bought this book because the author is a pilot himself with an impressive resume. The book however was a disappointment. Firstly, the actual readable content is quite low. The text size is quite large and only takes up 75% of the page. Which leads me to my next annoyance, if the author was struggling to fill its pages - he left out many things that could've been expanded upon. No history of the 777 is mentioned. Often times he would explain how his A380 had larger wings or blah blah blah. We get it - you flew the A380. His conclusion is weak at best and when you finish the book - you're still left wondering what the best guess is. It's not a terrible book - but for the price, you're really not getting anything new. I'd wait until the price comes down considerably in the used section if you're still interested.

This is the most rational book I have read on the loss of MH370 and I have read a lot of them. I am a retired aerospace engineer and I agree with the logic that James Nixon brings to the book. The theory of the crash included in the book makes a lot of sense. It is simply and clearly written, easy to follow and understand. I particularly like the idea of mini cameras all over the aircraft - I would add some to the exterior of the aircraft,looking at engines, landing gear, and control surfaces.

If you accept the premise that the loss of MH370 was an accident, then the theory of an uncontained fire in the electronics bay beneath the cockpit makes the most sense to me.

Fascinating book. I loved his humor and and analytical mind. I hope the aviation industry considers some of his suggestions to improve things for the pilots and safety of everyone who gets on a plane.

Excellent book, easy for this layman to understand. I highly recommend this, especially for those of us who are nervous passengers.

I am a scientist by training and have never flown or been interested in flying a plane. What I enjoy about the authors writing is that it's logical and that he uses facts to support every one of his thoughts. After each chapter, he recaps the important parts of this section. Until the flight recorder is recovered from MH370, no one can be sure why the jet went down; nevertheless, I would bet that the authors analysis will be pretty close to correct. I agree with the author that most analysis of disasters that take place on network news is worthless and almost always wrong. I really enjoyed the authors writing style and will look into other books by this author.

A forthright no hysteria professional analysis of the flight of MH370 from an experienced senior airline captain leading to a set of conclusions which cannot be faulted or ignored. All this with a minimum of jargon or technical hyper-analysis. The argument for the continued search for MH370 is critical to all travelling public as are the suggested actions needed to avoid it happening again. This book is long enough to get all the facts and short enough to get the picture in one sitting.

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