Free Download , by Jamie Oliver

Free Download , by Jamie Oliver

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, by Jamie Oliver

, by Jamie Oliver

, by Jamie Oliver

Free Download , by Jamie Oliver

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, by Jamie Oliver

Product details

File Size: 269659 KB

Print Length: 320 pages

Publisher: Flatiron Books (January 8, 2019)

Publication Date: January 8, 2019

Language: English

ASIN: B07KP6782D



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#24,821 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I just received this product today. What a beautiful cookbook! It is obvious it was well thought out before it was written. Every recipe has 2 pictures. One is a picture of the ingredients, like a list, along the side of the recipe. It’s a snapshot of what you need right away before you even begin to read the recipe. The other picture is a full page picture of the prepared dish. The books format made a real simple page turner. I was able to go through the entire 300 plus pages and select a few recipes to try this week in less than an hour.The ingredients, for the most part, are familiar to the home cook. He does throw in a couple of surprise ingredients now and then.Directions are pretty simple. I plan on using 2 recipes this week.

Recipes are creative and appear easy to make, but many require specialty items not likely to be in your pantry.

recipes are fine for me but my husband doesn't like spicey or mushrooms and they are in most of these recipes. also requires a lot of jarred specialty products that are likely available in the UK but not so much in the USA.

For the life of me I don't get why people praise the book and then give it four stars, without saying why? I love every recipe in this book! They are creative and uncomplicated, yet the flavor combinations are complex, and the presentation is impeccable. More importantly, every recipe is doable. Jaime masterfully puts together just five perfect ingredients to create a master piece of each dish. Then there's the visual. It's great to see a photo of each of the components, followed by a full page finished dish. I can't wait to start cooking! P.S. Love the first page of the book, showing a picture of Jaime's five beautiful children! He calls them his "five favorite ingredients"! Touching and personable!

I'm far from a decent cook, in all actuality I'm probably not even a competent one. I am however trying to get better at cooking and sometimes I find cookbooks to be a bit intimidating with all of the complicated recipes and lists of ingredients. This is where 5 Ingredients comes in. It's simple, it's easy to follow and as the title says all the recipes consist of 5 ingredients. It's allowed me to slowly ease myself into the world of cooking and explains the recipes to me in a way I can understand and not burn the house down. It includes a wide selection of recipes from salads to fish to vegetarian and even dessert! I haven't cooked all of the dishes in the book yet but I'm slowly working my way through it and it's been wonderful.

I would say this recipes are good and easy but lean towards the fancy; some ingredients are not really as common (at least on the US). Having said that, quick recipes for a fancy looking meal are always welcome. They include a nutritional table for each one along with a tasty photo and a whole chapter devoted to Jamie's ideology towards food.I liked it, but not loved it.

I saw this on GMA one morning and the meal he put together was simple, common ingredients, and something that would appeal to my family. That was a bit misleading, but I have to say, I went online and bought it without looking very closely. I wrestled with the number of stars. I felt I was misled by the author, and yet I didn't look, and it is probably great if you like that sort of thing, so I settled on four. I usually look at reviews, but I didn't this time...had I looked, I would have seen the comments about specialty ingredients, et al. There are lots of them! Things I would never be able to find in our small town. Things I would probably use a small amount in that recipe and never use again. Things I would probably have to order off Amazon and probably would not be inexpensive. There were many items in there I had never heard of before! I have substituted ingredients in the past, but that is hard to do when you don't even know what it is to begin with. I could research that online, but that kind of defeats the point of fast meal if you have to research and/or shop for that unique ingredient. Many of the main ingredients...well if I was cooking for just myself...would be fine, but in no way appealed to my husband or son. The portions were very small. Granted you could double a recipe, but, there was a statement at the onset which pretty much said, these ingredients are more costly, but the smaller portions would offset the increased cost. Okay, tell that to my teenage son, and his father who does physical work and can eat all he wants and never gain a pound. I actually showed them the cool new cookbook I just got with all the enthusiasm I could muster, and each, after flipping through, looked at me like 'you have got to be kidding!' I realize there are some people out there that like these types of dishes, but I would imagine this would not suit most people/families.

Nice simple recipes, although I feel like some are too simple with store bought sauces which aren't always accessible. Not things you'd have around the house. I thought he'd use more fresh ingredients and spices and not pre-made sauces etc.However, it gives you ideas which you can always apply to your own recipes. The photos are nice.

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