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Merlin and the Dragons

Merlin and the Dragons

Merlin and the Dragons

Ebook Free Merlin and the Dragons

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Merlin and the Dragons

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 36 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Lightyear Entertainment

Audible.com Release Date: December 16, 1999

Language: English, English

ASIN: B0000546WX

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This is a nice large format book with an more of an original story than the usual rehash of Arthurian tales. The illustrations are very nice.I wish the book was a little bigger, a little longer, but perhaps this is just the right length for a short read and the feeling of accomplishment that comes from reading a book to the end.Dragons and Merlin. What's not to like?

The King Arthur legend is a treasure trove of children's stories. The worst way to approach the legend is to try to tell the whole story in one book. The legend is just too rich with detail for this approach to work. It is better to select individual stories and rework them for children.This is the approach Jane Yolen uses in "Merlin and the Dragon". The story takes place soon after Arthur has pulled the sword out of the stone and centers on how Merlin revealed to Arthur that he is the son of Uther Pendragon. The book is well written and beautifully illustrated and is a pleasure for both adults and children. Highly recommended.

this is a great story with details, twists etc...if your child enjoys story telling, this is a good book for the 5 yo 7 year old. it has enough text and details to keep a child who likes stories interested for the 20/30 minutes or so that it takes to read this (parent reading to the child).the only warning is that if your child is bothered by talking about death or blood (in a fictional way), then this might not be the book for you. it does not focus on those topics but it does talk about a cruel king enslaving people and wanting a sacrifice.

This was read to me as a child in elementary school, and I loved it. I bought it for my son when he was 4 and it was as engaging and striking as I remember. The illustrations alone are beautiful, and the story is a great retelling of one of the most famous young Merlin myths.

Son loves it. Exciting. Great story for bedtime.

I bought this for a 4 year old girl who is a big fan of the "How to Train Your Dragon" movies and TV show. She loves this book. And if a preschooler learns and loves a story from classic literature, that's a bonus!

I bought this book for my six, now severn year old. He and his four year old brother both love it, and it is one of my favorites to read both for the story and the illustrations. It has a few mildly graphic phrases I tone down when reading "you had better be right or I will shed your blood" but is really fine, in my opinion, for age 6+ and younger with minor editing by the reader. I am assuming you read it out loud, as I do ...

Beautifully illustrated but maybe a tad adult in its style - not "adult", but grown-up, a little dry for children.

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