Download Ebook , by Jack Hardin

Download Ebook , by Jack Hardin

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, by Jack Hardin

, by Jack Hardin

, by Jack Hardin

Download Ebook , by Jack Hardin

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, by Jack Hardin

Product details

File Size: 3200 KB

Print Length: 332 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: The Salty Mangrove Press (June 4, 2018)

Publication Date: June 4, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#12,437 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The never ending excitement and dramatics certainly makes this story five star worthy. The author does an excellent job of his character selection and he is definitely very thorough in his descriptive researching. I am impressed with the camaraderie of the good guys and there is just enough slip of the tongue to motivate my undivided attention. The storylines always perfectly descriptive of what to expect next, but still not reveal the true meaning of what the author's apparent intent is. I am definitely impressed with the author's omnipresent situations and every episode is definitely an excellent example of his outstanding knowledge he so vividly describes. Everyone do yourselves a favor by reading this heartwarming and adventurous series of spectacular travels through the author's apparent intent to satisfy your every whim! I, for one, am definitely impressed with each and every new adventurous episode that Ellie empowers to happen. You will be the loser if you don't!

Wow!! What an ending. Certainly glad I got the first three books all at one time. Now on to the third nail biting adventure. I want all the readers to know I hate housework but will buckle down and force myself to do—eventually. Thankfully I have no one fussing at me about my dusty house. But since picking up the first book in this series I have not even thought about housework. Dust is getting pretty deep! Love Wayne Stinnett and Dawn Lee McKenna and several others. Now I have to add Jack Hardin to my hard core list of authors. No words to describe the characters in this book—well thought out with wild and varying personalities!! Perfect example of the people who live on the Florida coast. Wonderful laid back people. This book was a delight to read and can’t wait to dig into the next one. I will keep reading as long as Jack Hardin keeps writing!!

Shallow Breeze did not disappoint. Man, what an ending!!!!! It makes you go back and re-think everything else you just read. I’m eagerly reading book 3 now. Yes, there's another cliffhanger, but there's better closure to some of the individual battles towards Ellie's ultimate goal in this book than in the first. More great character development (Gotta love Gloria and Fu!), intriguing detail, and very clever, satisfying word pictures, with just the occasional cliché metaphor thrown in. The Ringo character is so complex. I'm dying to know what the author does with him. As a writer and editor myself, I’m impressed that this is only Jack Hardin’s second book. Wish I could write and tell tales like this! I’ll definitely be on the lookout for his future titles.

A fast paced book, gets down to it right off the bat. Book two of a four part series, anintriguing tale of an ex-CIA employee who resigns and moves home to Pine islandFlorida. Subsequently recruited by the DEA, she investigates an almostinvisible drug smuggling operation, that very well could be a glimpse into what is reallygoing on today along Florida's gulf coast. Timely and interesting, this book is agood ride with a fantastic ending! Mr. Hardin is reminiscent of Randy White or Wayne Stinnett with a bit of Carl Hiaasenand Bob Morris thrown in. Keep em' coming Jack.

I love these books! The characters are easy to become emotionally invested in, even the bad guys. These books are fast and entertaining. Can’t wait for book three!

Love Ellie and everything about her character. The end of every book in this series ends with a blindside.

Can’t wait to get time alone so I can read this series of books. Simply put, I can’t put it down. Love the characters, the plot and the suspenseful endings!

My first Hardin read...I'll be back for more.

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