PDF Download Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit

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Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit

Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit

Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit

PDF Download Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit

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Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit


"An elegant reminder that activist victories are easily forgotten, and that they often come in extremely unexpected, roundabout ways."—The New Yorker"No writer has better understood the mix of fear and possibility, peril and exuberance that's marked this new millennium. Rebecca Solnit writes as independently as Orwell; she's a great muralist, a Diego Rivera of words. Literary and progressive America is in a Solnit moment, which given her endless talent should last a very long time."—Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org and author of Deep Economy“Hope In the Dark changed my life. During a period of pervasive cynicism and political despair, the first edition of this book provided me with a model for activist engagement that I have held dear ever since. Today, as movements for climate, racial, and economic justice sweep the globe, its message is more relevant than ever. In her inimitable and inspiring way, Solnit reminds us that social change follows an unpredictable path. Despite all the obstacles, we must not lose sight of the fact that profound transformation is possible. This book’s compact size belies its true power. It provides succor and sustenance, fuel and fire, for those fighting for a more just world.”—Astra Taylor, author, The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age“Rebecca Solnit is a national literary treasure: a passionate, close-to-the-ground reporter with the soul and voice of a philosopher-poet. And, unlike so many who write about the great injustices of this world, she is an optimist, whose faith is deeply grounded in a knowledge of history. This is a book to give you not just hope but zest for the battles ahead.”—Adam Hochschild, author, King Leopold’s Ghost“Time and again she comes running towards you with a bunch of hopes she has found and picked in the undergrowth of the times we are living. And you remember that hope is not a guarantee for tomorrow, but a detonator of energy for action today.”—John Berger, author, Ways of Seeing"A slim, potent book penned in the wake of the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq; a book that has grown only more relevant and poignant in the decade since."—Maria Popova, Brain PickingsPraise for earlier editions:“Seemingly lost in the woods of deceit and banality, bereft of hope, we are confronted by Rebecca Solnit and her astonishing flashlight. In a jewel of a book that is poetic in substance as well as style, she reveals where we were, where we are and the step-by-step advances that have been made in human rights, as we stubbornly stumble out of the darkness.”—Studs Terkel“In this inspired meditation on the very nature of action and the reasons one thing leads to another, Rebecca Solnit, with her customary intellectual penetration, freshness of expression, and high elegance, finds new springs of hope in dark times.”—Jonathan Schell“In this extraordinary book, Rebecca Solnit’s prose grows poetic wings that enable her to soar to a visionary height. The good news that she brings back is that our struggles—with persistence and courage—are indeed the seeds of kindness.”—Mike Davis“Move over Joan Didion...Solnit is who Susan Sontag might have become if Sontag had never forsaken California for Manhattan.”—San Francisco Chronicle“Can you imagine a cross between Joan Rivers and Simone de Beauvoir? I didn’t think so, but no likelier hybrid comes to mind.... Solnit is the real activist deal: the type who gets arrested at nuclear test sites and mans the barricades at the World Trade Organization demonstrations in Seattle. She’s also the real freelance intellectual deal: the much rarer type who earns her living generating reams of thoughtful, wide-ranging nonfiction.”—Newsday"This is the ultimate 'feel-good' book for exhausted campaigners and activists . . . an intensely personal account, a meditation on activism and hope."—The Guardian“An inspired observer and passionate historian, [Solnit] is one of the most creative, penetrating, and eloquent cultural critics writing today. In her most personal critique to date, she reflects on the crucial, often underrated accomplishments of grassroots activists. Solnit contemplates such well-studied revolutions as the American civil rights movement and the fall of the Berlin Wall, but more significantly she reflects on such recent events as successful protests against nuclear testing in Nevada, the Zapatista uprising, the anti-corporate globalization movement, the “unprecedented global wave of protest” against the war in Iraq, and such hopeful ecological successes as the return of wolves to Yellowstone and the restoration of the Los Angeles River. Solnit’s rousing celebration of people who work tirelessly behind the scenes and courageously on the streets for justice and environmental health harmonizes beautifully with Studs Terkel’s Hope Dies Last, and helps readers understand more clearly where we stand as individuals, as Americans, and as citizens of the world.”—Donna Seaman, Booklist“This slim volume, to quote the author’s own reflections on the quincentennial of Columbus’s discovery of America, is “a zigzag trail of encounters, reactions, and realizations.” Solnit, recent winner of an NBCC award for criticism for River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West, rambles from place to place and topic to topic in a discursive examination of the current state of leftist protest and activism. Unwilling to accept the bleak, almost apocalyptic worldview of many of her progressive counterparts, Solnit celebrates the hope and optimism that recent episodes reveal. She points to the resurrection of indigenous causes represented by Zapatismo, the WTO protests in Seattle and Cancun and the worldwide protests against the U.S.-led war in Iraq, and other smaller, more marginal protests. Solnit argues persuasively that engaged, thoughtful dissent is far healthier today than many believe. Activists, who operate by nature on the fringes of hierarchies of economy and power, often fail to recognize the power of activity that seems inconsequential. Her goal, in essence, is “to throw out the crippling assumptions with which many activists proceed.” While Solnit’s goal is admirable and her prose graceful, this book suffers from the same confusion and disorganization she recognizes as necessarily inherent to activism itself. Her examples are diverse yet disjointed; she is overly reliant on the words of others; and she often wanders into spiritual mumbo-jumbo and platitudes. While these tendencies hamper the clarity of her argument, fans of Solnit and progressives may find much to admire here.”—Publishers Weekly

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About the Author

Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of eighteen or so books on feminism, western and indigenous history, popular power, social change and insurrection, wandering and walking, hope and disaster, including the books Men Explain Things to Me and Hope in the Dark, both also with Haymarket; a trilogy of atlases of American cities; The Faraway Nearby; A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster; A Field Guide to Getting Lost; Wanderlust: A History of Walking; and River of Shadows, Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West (for which she received a Guggenheim, the National Book Critics Circle Award in criticism, and the Lannan Literary Award). A product of the California public education system from kindergarten to graduate school, she is a columnist at Harper's and a regular contributor to the Guardian.

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Product details

Paperback: 184 pages

Publisher: Haymarket Books; Second edition (March 15, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1608465764

ISBN-13: 978-1608465767

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.5 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

84 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#17,555 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you have any interest in writing, in the personal essay, in beautiful sentences, in thoughtful observations -- then you can't avoid Rebecca Solnit.She has created a genre all of her own, something very few writers can even dream of doing. It just isn't possible to write better than she does.She has made me fall in love with her mind. Her books reach deep into my world, turn things around, and make me see things differently. They make me different. Again, it's the very highest work that writing can ever do. I will always read anything she writes. The "subject" doesn't matter.She shows, with an almost magical eloquence that also remains natural and easy-flowing (organic), what writing is for, and just how much it can actually do. And she just gets better. She makes the world a better place.

Everyone flirting with despair over the election ofTrump can find new space in which to breathe, to take deep, refreshing breath and start again in the necessary work of hope. There is always too much at stake for those who look for a better world in which to live, for any of us to give in or give up.

Excellent - gives an uncommon perspective on activism as a journey rather than as an attempt to gain utopia. See activism as a failure when we don't reach all of our goals, keeps us from celebrating our successes, even when they are less than our goals, and this leaves us uninspired to continue what has been good work.

It's easy for political activists to overlook their own victories. Activists are driven by a bold, transformative vision of change. That vision is indispensable and is the fuel of progress, but it can also encourage activists to adopt a narrative whereby organizers defeat evil and their positive vision of the future comes into existence. But the world is far too ambiguous and chaotic for that narrative; viewing change in those terms leads activists to see their work as resulting only in defeat, which causes burnout and cynicism while discouraging new people from joining a movement. Change is never easy to see and progress never moves on a clear linear path.Solnit outlines a different vision of change, one which is unpredictable, chaotic, improvisational. Total defeats lead to revolutions generations later; technologies produced by militaries become the engine of peace; supposedly lost causes are resumed; a speech to a nearly empty audience sparks a movement. These aren't just idle theories, Solnit provides real-world examples. Solnit interrogates the ambiguities and forgotten histories of movements and finds thousands of victories; some that only changed one person's life, some that overthrew dictators -- but all victories. It's our obligation to find and celebrate these forgotten victories in order to remind ourselves of our collective power to change the world and inoculate ourselves against the despair and cynicism that would lead us to willingly forfeit the collective power that all of human history clearly shows we possess.Solnit's history of activist victories is driven by a theory of hope as a discipline, not a foreign object one does or does not possess. Hope requires action and practice; action requires a belief that the world can be changed; believing that the world can be changed requires a knowledge and respect of history. The chaotic (ridiculous?) nature of the world makes it impossible to ever know the full impact of our actions; believing that actions driven by love can improve the world requires a leap of faith; all of human history indicates that that faith is the only engine of change and that it actively imposes new realities on the world, even if we can't fully predict or understand what those realities will be. That gaping unknown between action and impact is the 'dark' Solnit refers to; darkness like a womb, not depression. Changing the world requires giving up the idea that we'll understand what that change looks like. Absurd? Well... What did the dark look like to an abolitionist resisting slavery in 1814; a woman demanding equal political rights in 1790; an environmentalist opposing new pipelines in 2017?In these catastrophic times with the rise of the far-right, the corporate takeover of our government and media, the existential threat of climate change, and growing wealth inequality, despair and cynicism are easy. Every day corporate power aims to demobilize and alienate us further. Hope has never been a more vital and powerful discipline. Hope is a radical choice; a choice necessary to overcome the crises facing our planet. Solnit reminds us that choosing to practice hope isn't delusional or naive, it's a rational (though difficult) choice that has always been integral to progress. Hope is a choice that burdens us with responsibilities, responsibilities that enrich our lives. Hope requires action. Let's act.

I found this book useful as a way of re-engaging with an activist mindset. Much of what she writes about activism resonated with me, and was a reason I had turned away. So while I don't agree with her on everything, I do appreciate the intellectual entry point into hope for the future.

The introduction is inspiring and is sticking with me months after reading it. While the bulk of this slender book addresses an era several years ago, the act of reading and remembering how past woes have been overcome is in itself an act of hope. Highly recommend to anyone who cares about making change in their community.

i"m not finished reading this book, but it is the second Solnit book I've read, the first being "Men Explain Things to Me." Although, my first reading of Solnit was pointed towards Feminism this volume, "Hope in the Dark," is historical. It looks backward from the Bush Administration. It is pertinent to 2017 because Democratic voters are as depleted by the Trump election as the election of Bush, maybe even more. She uses some terms that have become obsolete for political readers but they are recognizable and easy to translate. I intend to read all of Solnit's books and catch her on Facebook, as well.

Heard a re-interview of the author on PBS radio during a morning-after of the political scene.Easy reading the essays one day at a time, and helped my brain readjust so I can better address situations than just bitch bout them. Thanks, Rebecca!

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Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit PDF

Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit PDF

Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit PDF
Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit PDF

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The JGirls Guide: The Young Jewish Woman's Handbook for Coming of Age

From Publishers Weekly

Kol k'vodah bat melekh p'nimah: The true majesty of a royal daughter is inside her. Psalm 45 provides a strong foundation for a wonderful book that, though written for the tween/teen set, has something to offer Jewish women of any age or denomination. The authors emphasize that "in modern terms, this means that to feel great about yourself—to feel majestic even—you need to listen to your inner self." Using a combination of Jewish resources, secular psychology and a wealth of input from Jewish girls and women, this guide covers the waterfront—from teenage issues of self-image, gossip, friendship and sex to more singularly Jewish issues such as the Sabbath, religious studies and the tradition of tikkun olam (repairing the world). Each chapter includes a lesson on a particular mitzvah; a variety of activities, from journal questions to suggested plans of action; introductions to famous Jewish women; and observations from everyday Jewish girls. Perfect for a young woman about to embark on preparation for a bas mitzvah, this manual also lends itself to strengthening mother/ daughter relationships, solidifying the bonds between Jewish girls coming of age, and reminding Jewish women of any age of the special people they are, both as individuals and as Jews. (June) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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"The JGirl's Guide is cool. You should check it out."―Anita Diamant, author, The Red Tent and The New Jewish Baby Book: Names, Ceremonies & Customs―A Guide for Today's Families"Fills a void in the Jewish world―and it does so with creativity and joy. We will be using it with our mother/daughter group at The Temple in Atlanta; it’s what we’ve needed for a long time."―Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin and Nina Salkin, authors, The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Memory Book: An Album for Treasuring the Spiritual Celebration“An invaluable tool for anyone working with Jewish girls. It incorporates important Jewish history and values into the issues Jewish girls face today. I recommend it highly.”―Rosalind Wiseman, author, Queen Bees and Wannabes and cofounder of the Empower Program“The arrival of The JGirl’s Guide couldn’t be more timely.... It captures the essence of a unique coming of age and skillfully provides tools to help young girls grow up with a confident sense of self and proud to be Jewish.”―Donnie Kanter Winokur, founding executive director, The Body and Soul National Institute“Unlocks the inner beauty and wisdom of Jewish tradition. Chock full of Jewish values, it will be a trusted friend and wise teacher to a whole new generation of sisters and daughters, our people’s next leaders.”―Yosef I. Abramowitz, publisher, JVibe.com and Sh’ma; cofounder, BabagaNewz.com; and winner of the Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education“A tour de force! For Jgirls of all ages … the perfect gift, for it candidly and clearly offers profound wisdom to help Jewish girls grow into healthy, Judaically knowledgeable, involved and caring human beings. I can’t wait for my own daughter to read it.”―Rabbi Joshua Elkin, executive director, The Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: Jewish Lights; Reissue edition (March 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1580232159

ISBN-13: 978-1580232159

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

12 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,390,522 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

as does my Judaic studies Girl's Group. It speaks to today's teens unlike many of the stodgy outdated Judaic books that are at many congregation's libraries.

I purchased this book for my great niece who is 10 years old. She has just begun preparing for her Bat Mitzvah and this book is a great guide for her journey as a knowledgeable Jewish girl. It provides topics for discussion at the end of the chapters and is a really good book for a mother and daughter to read together. It gives her mom the opportunity to explain things and answer questions during this learning process.I highly recommend this book for pre teen Jewish girls.

I ordered this for my tween daughter and was SHOCKED at the content!! I think it should be for ages 18 & UP!!

The subtitle tells it all. This volume addresses teenage girls directly on topics such as Jewish identity, friendship, honoring parents, body image issues, sexuality, health, gossip, social responsibility and more. Three authors make for a somewhat disjointed reading experience. A very long introduction greets readers and tells them (repeatedly) what to expect. The format of each chapter, with its many sections, quotes, questions and exercises, wrings every last drop out of every topic. The style of the book is a breathlessly excited, energetic charge up a mountain of information. The Jewish aspect of each topic under discussion is explained through historical and modern viewpoints, with plenty of back up from original texts. A consciously neutral point of view embraces all streams of Judaism and levels of observance. This book would be an excellent resource for youth group leaders to use in leading discussions or workshops on teen issues. It may also serve as a guide for parents struggling to talk with their kids about sensitive topics. Self-aware young women may enjoy the navel-gazing quality of the book, while others will find it tiresome. Some kids may be turned off by the attempt of the adult authors to sound "cool" by inventing the term "JGirl." Recommended for ages 12 - 18 where Jewish teens are heavily served.Reviewed by Heidi Estrin

A wonderful resource for all jewish teenage girls! Covers all the topics a parent would like to discuss with their teenage daughter through an engaging, down to earth, and confidence building manner. This book should be read by parents alike to help us identify with present day teenage issues. The innovative format of presenting each topic and Mitzvah through the Jewish viewpoint, citing sources and using teenage girls' personal anecdotals followed by specific activities is sure to provide lots of information, support and even resources for additional reading.This book, a must for Hebrew Schools and Day Schools, youth organizations, camps, etc., provides so much "food for thought" for discussions groups and guided questions and activities outlined in the book.Where was this book when my older daughter was a teenager?

The JGirls Guide is a well written and insightful journey through issues confronting teenage girls today. Written in an informative but nonjudgemental way, this book provides a connection, a sense of belonging by forming a bond of a Jewish identity and purpose for all Jewish girls regardless of their affiliation and background. This book empowers Jewish teenage girls by providing practical tools and coping skills for making good choices in their lives as Jews. The practical guidelines, thought provoking questions for discussions, and specific ideas to help carry out each Mitzvah, are unbelievably constructive methods for chanelling positive energy throughout the teenage years.

The JGirl's Guide is an invaluable book for young girls. If you would like your friend, daughter, student, cousin.... to get much more out of their bat-mitzvah, and so much more out of being a Jewish teenager - struggling with identity, as well as common teen issues such as food and peer pressure. What a wonderful idea to finally come out with something fun and interesting in an era where we sometimes need to be reminded that even though life can be a party, we must not forget how meaningful it is- and when we are reminded and taught, then it because that much more fun!

I recently purchased this book as a bat mitzvah gift for a young friend, and couldn't help reading through several chapters myself. I was very impressed with the breadth of topical advice, which is presented in a very lively and engaging manner. The authors did such a skillfull job demonstrating the relevancy and beauty of Jewish traditions and history that, raised as a Christian, I found myself becoming a tad envious of the heritage! I definitely recommend this book as a worthwhile read.

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The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman

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The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman


"With simplicity, wit, and humor, Cushman presents another tale of medieval England. Here readers follow the satisfying, literal and figurative journey of a homeless, nameless child called Brat. . . . Earthy humor, the foibles of humans both high and low, and a fascinating mix of superstition and genuinely helpful herbal remedies attached to childbirth make this a truly delightful introduction to a world seldom seen in children’s literature."School Library Journal, Starred"This novel is about a strong, young woman in medieval England who finds her own way home. . . . Kids will be caught up in this short, fast-paced narrative about a hero who discovers that she’s not ugly or stupid or alone."Booklist, ALA, Starred Review

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About the Author

Karen Cushman has had a lifelong interest in history and "wanted to know what ordinary life was like for ordinary young people in other times." Her research led to the writing of Catherine, Called Birdy, a Newbery Honor book, and The Midwife's Apprentice, a Newbery Medal winner. She lives on Vashon Island, Washington. Visit her website at www.karencushmanbooks.com

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Product details

Age Range: 10 - 12 years

Grade Level: 5 - 7

Lexile Measure: 1150L (What's this?)

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Paperback: 144 pages

Publisher: Clarion Books; Reprint edition (June 19, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0547722176

ISBN-13: 978-0547722177

Product Dimensions:

5.1 x 0.4 x 7.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

168 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#31,653 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Karen Cushman has such a knack for historical fiction. I've enjoyed reading and sharing all of her books again and again...though I must admit this one is my favorite (and well Catherine too..and Rodzina...I take it back...I love them all! ;). Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. - the very point of this review option...but it just amazes me how some people find the ending or the overall treatment of this girl to be offensive. Life was HARD in medieval times, particularly for the downtrodden and children (who in many ways weren't really recognized as being in any special group...just "little adults")...most were lucky to actually reach adulthood. Sure the midwife is obnoxious and at times cruel but "Brat" was given a home...and over time, a trade (more of a passion, I'd say). She came into her own at the end...and knew exactly what she was doing with that final decision. Sure nobody (well I hope) actually enjoys reading about a child suffering ...in whatever way (and on that note, animals too), but it was what it was. Won't say more because I don't want to be a spoiler...but Brat aka Alyce overcame it all...she was a survivor! One great read.

I often read the books my children are assigned to read in school. This book was so amazing! I am currently reading a book series set in seventeenth century Scotland who's main character is a female doctor who utilizes the availability of herbs and flora for medicinal purposes. The Midwife's Apprentice is extremely factual as a historical fiction! I am thankful to my daughter's teacher for selecting such an insightful book. Many life lessons woven so beautifully between visual detail and knowledge of past and present! We will be downloading many more of Karen Cushman's stories to be read for pleasure!

For young readers, the ragtag main character Alyce's life may seem shocking. She has no home, almost no food or clothing, and no one to care whether she lives or dies. Her daily existence includes verbal abuse and physical neglect. In her fourteenth-century world most people, including her, just don't matter much. But Alyce has spunk and heart and goals. Her struggle to find a place for herself in an unwelcoming society makes her appealing and real. In the end, her willingness to keep trying is what offers her a future.

I love recommending this book to young readers. For the time it is historically accurate. Wonderful way for young women to find out the origins of birthing and why many of the oldest methods are still relevant today. As a midwife I enthusiastically recommend this book.

Compared to several other books of this venue, this one left a little to be desired. I finished it, but I wouldn't recommend it. However, someone might enjoy it more than I did.

I wish I could read more of her life. It is well written and an addictive read. I would definitely recommend this book.

My daughter was assigned in class to read a Newberry medal book and present a report to the class. When I began to look at these award winning books, I noticed that most of them were tragic. My daughter doesn't do well when she reads about tragedy and death. Then I found The Midwife's Apprentice. It was perfect for her. The beginning was a little tough as she had to get used to reading old English literature. However, she overcame this difficulty and loved the book.

I was a little disappointed. Thought there would be more about her using her skills and learning about midwifery. Does not happen. Just a difficult life of a child.

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The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman PDF

The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman PDF

The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman PDF
The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman PDF