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Product details

File Size: 4062 KB

Print Length: 430 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: booksBnimble (November 23, 2018)

Publication Date: November 23, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#153,423 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Use of French language slows progression.

I enjoyed the Book Series. It was hard to put it down. Very interesting, scary, and Wonderful all rolled into one.

Really exciting, well crafted and written. Havilah Gaie is a heroine worth following.Loved the action, setting and sexy Frenchman!

Totally crazy they want you to sit at least 20 words this is dumbest thing I've heard of that is dumbest the story and just pray that too much why I didn't have to after a while he got bored and I just click through it to get to the end to see who the murderer was





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Product details

Paperback: 55 pages

Publisher: Independently published (March 21, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1091124930

ISBN-13: 978-1091124936

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#42,176 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

PÍNK VI∆ĜRA Mobipocket




Ebook Free Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

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Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

Ebook Free Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

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Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery

Product details

Series: Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books (Book 1)

Paperback: 279 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 4, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1718709927

ISBN-13: 978-1718709928

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

37 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#15,088 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book has been an incredible way for me to get back into the practice of reading and thinking in useful Spanish, in a variety of situations. I highly recommend this, and the other, equally helpful language-learning materials that are offered by Lingo Mastery. Although they did contact me for a review of their products (They had no idea what my review might be like), I do think very highly of their contributions to my foreign language bookcase, and to the Kindle app on my phone! Very good stuff.

As Ms. Hoag stated in her review, these are not exact translations. I am, maybe, at the advanced beginner level with a good understanding of grammar and a poor ability to converse. So I chose this book. Setting idioms aside, some of the verbs in these conversations are not the verbs that are routinely used in my basic and intermediate Spanish lessons. So, I end up memorizing or rewriting using verbs I learned. It is good exercise to pull out the dictionary and book of verbs, while trying to translate the Spanish or English. I find that I prefer to mark up the English side with a better, more literal translation. This should be an interesting journey.

Good and realistic dialogues, interesting situations actually capture your curiosity. Only challenge is that there are a lot of idiomatic expressions that you have to figure out, there is no translation word by word. I an finding this book useful although I find the short stories more helpful. But I would definitely recommend it/

Excellent dialogues to learn conversational Spanish. If you are wanting to improve your Spanish I also recommend Lingo Mastery 2000 Most Common Spanish Words.

One of the best books I've bought for my Spanish two class. It pushes them past beginner stage without being so advanced that they can't find the main ideas in each dialogue. It introduces vocabulary needed for common events such as getting a flight or taking a taxi and last but not least the time it takes to read is around five minutes which, with another 5 minutes to dissect and discuss fits in really well to our class schedule.

These short dialogues are just perfect to learn what to do in various situations. You can sit down and read one or two a day and improve your skills. I recommend these probably for advanced beginners which is the level that I am at in my Spanish studies. This series is quite good and we are using the book of short stories in my class.

One pager dialogues. I can pick this up anytime and pick a random page and enjoy it. Good book for beginners to intermediate.

Very helpful with everyday conversation, great examples in Spanish and English. Used it almost every day since I purchased.

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Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery PDF

Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery PDF

Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery PDF
Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories (Conversational Spanish Dual Language Books), by Lingo Mastery PDF